Saturday, May 11, 2019

Recent Buy

As investors in the stock market, we aim to buy stocks that will be around tomorrow and years to come. As an added bonus, it is great to get paid a share of the profits in the form of dividends. Dividends are payments to shareholders as determined by the company's board of directors.

For Canadians, buying a stock on the Canadian stock markets means that dividends paid are eligible dividends. Eligible dividends are taxed at a lower rate than interest from bonds and savings accounts or a job.


With the world population increasing year by year and expected to grow from over 7 billion to 9 billion by 2050, more and more products will be needed. These products are often shipped in boxes that are made of carboard and are sealed with tape.

Intertape Polymer Group Inc. is a recognized leader in the development, manufacture and sale of a variety of paper and film based pressure-sensitive and water-activated tapes, polyethylene and specialized polyolefin films, protective packaging, engineered coated products and complementary packaging systems for industrial and retail use. Headquartered in Montreal, Quebec and Sarasota, Florida, The Company employs approximately 3,500 employees with operations in 30 locations, including 22 manufacturing facilities in North America, three in Asia and one in Europe. (Source: Intertape Polymer Group Investor Relations)

Intertape Polymer Group (ITP.TO) makes products such as double coated tape, duct tape, lumber wrap, masking tape, electrical tape, water-activated tape, and stretch film. These products are used everyday by businesses and consumers.

Intertape Polymer Group's products are used in over 15 different markets including e-commerce, food processing, aerospace, transportation, and construction.

On May 6, I purchased 50 shares of ITP.TO at $18.00 per share for a total cost of $904.95 including commissions. This purchased occurred in my margin account.

ITP.TO currently pays a $0.56 USD per share annually, or $0.14 USD per share quarterly. The dividends received from this company will first be converted to Canadian dollars prior to landing in my brokerage account. At the time of this writing, the equivalent dividend in Canadian dollars is $0.75446894 per share per year. Based on this conversion, the yield on cost is 4.17%.

The purchase adds approximately $37.72 to my annual dividend income.

The ex-dividend date is June 13, which means I will receive the upcoming dividend. 

I will update my investing tab spreadsheet in early June with this purchase.

Disclosure:  Long ITP.TO

I am not a financial planner, financial advisor, accountant or tax attorney. The information on this blog represents my own thoughts and opinions and should NOT be taken as investment or business advice.

Every individual should do their due diligence to make their own financial decisions based on their financial situation and tolerance for risk.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Dividend Income Update - April 2019

        The month of April 2019 is another month of dividend income landing in my accounts. Recently, I switched my pay yourself first model to concentrate a little on debt repayment.  The interest on debt is 7.16% plus the insurance on the debt.  I currently pay myself 10% of income from job(s) and non-registered accounts to my TFSA.  The TFSA income is staying within the account.  I will deviate the 10% to savings account instead of to TFSA if a large expense comes up like a dental appointment.

 Non-registered Accounts
  • Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS) -  $36.49  (Transfer Agent)
  • Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS) - $17.40
  • Bell Canada Enterprises (BCE) - $79.25
  • Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce "CIBC" (CM) - $39.20
  • Cineplex  (CGX) - $14.50
  • Enerplus (ERF)  -$ 5.58 
  • Restaurant Brands International (QSR) - $65.78 
  • Rogers Communications Class B (RCI.B) - $100.00
  • Shaw Communications (SJR.B)  - $19.75
  • Telus Corporation (T) - $54.50
Subtotal :  $432.45

  • A&W Royalties Income Fund (AW.UN) - $5.59
  • Boston Pizza Royalties Income Fund   (BPF.UN) - $26.91
  • Cominar REIT (CUF.UN) - $12.96
  • Dream Office REIT   (D.UN)  - $14.00
  • Killam Properties REIT (KMP.UN) - $  16.61
  • TD Bank  (TD) - $14.80 
  • TFI International (TFII) - $12.00
  • Telus Corporation (T) - $13.08
Subtotal:  $115.95

Total = $548.40

    I received a total of $548.40 in dividend income for the month of April 2019.  This is my highest total ever! This represents a 8.59% increase from 3 months ago and 10.8% increase year over year.  

    I received dividend / distribution income from 16 different companies.   

     I received $0.00 within my investment accounts in April 2019.

    I will update my dividend income tab with the new amount I will include my option premium income also.  It is great to see money from passive income sources deposited into my brokerage account every single month.

How was your dividend income for April 2019?

Disclosure : Long all securities above.

Photo Credit: www.mipaq,

I am not a financial planner, financial advisor, accountant or tax attorney. The information on this blog represents my own thoughts and opinions and should NOT be taken as investment or business advice.

Every individual should do their due diligence to make their own financial decisions based on their financial situation and tolerance for risk.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Portfolio Update: April 2019

The month of April 2019 is now behind us.

The provincial election in Alberta occurred on April 16, 2019.  The United Conservative Party won the election and the NDP became the opposition.  Prior to the election, the NDP was the government.  An important thing to note in this election was the fact all other provincial parties did not win any seats.  

On April 1, the federal Liberal government placed a $20 per tonne tax on carbon in Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick and Manitoba.  The Saskatchewan premier took the federal government to court over the carbon tax.  In the last few days the courts have stated that the federal government has the constitutional right to put a price on carbon.  All the other provinces and territories have a price on carbon or a cap and trade system that meets the government requirements. 

The price of a barrel of crude oil is just of $63 a barrel for WTI crude oil.

Portfolio Activity

Things have been quiet in terms of portfolio activity.

My covered call in WestJet Airlines (WJA.TO) is still trading out of the money.  WestJet has been affected by the grounding of the 737 Max 8 aircraft manufactured by Boeing.  Governments around the globe have grounded these planes and banned them flying into and out of their air spaces and between airports.

My covered call in Telus Corporation (T.TO) was assigned on April 18 as the option was trading in the money. You can read about this option assignment here.  This option assignment decreases my annual dividend income by $218.00.  This sale occurred in my margin account.  For full disclosure, I still own 24 shares of T.TO inside my TFSA. 

 Shares Purchased Via DRIP

1 unit of CUF.UN.TO @ $11.96855 for a total cost of $11.97 (TFSA)

0.495670 shares of BNS.TO @ $73.6176 for a total cost of $36.49  (transfer agent)

I own 217 units of Cominar REIT (CUF.UN.TO). Currently, CUF.UN pays $0.72 per unit per year, or $0.06 per unit monthly. This DRIP adds $0.72 to my annual dividend income.

I own 42.435888 shares of Bank of Nova Scotia  (BNS.TO) directly with the transfer agent.  Currently, BNS,TO pays a $3.48 per share dividend annually, or $0.87 per share quarterly. This DRIP adds $1.72 to my annual dividend income.

Please note that if some brokerages DRIP shares when there is no DRIP program by the actually company. This DRIP is when the brokerage buys the shares directly off the public market stock exchanges.

Dividend Increases

On May 3, A&W Royalties Income Fund (AW.UN.TO) reported earnings. As of the result of good earnings, AW.UN.TO increased their monthly dividend from $0.147 per unit to $0.154 per unit.  This represents an increase of 4.76%.  

I currently own 38 units of AW.UN.TO, so this increase my annual dividend income by $3.19. 

Dividend Decreases

I did not receive any dividend decreases during the month of April 2018.


As of May 4 , the value of the portfolio is $122030.99. This is a 0.618% increase over last month's total.

 EDIT:  May 6. The correct value of the portfolio is $122030.99 on May 4.

Disclosure: Long all fore mentioned stocks.

Please Note: Positions in Restaurant Brands International (QSR.TO) and Brookfield Renewables Partners (BEP.UN) pay dividends and distributions in US dollars, respectively. My investment tab spreadsheet displays the Canadian dollar equivalent within 15 to 20 minutes of real time.


I am not a financial planner, financial advisor, accountant or tax attorney. The information on this blog represents my own thoughts and opinions and should NOT be taken as investment or business advice.

Every individual should do their due diligence to make their own financial decisions based on their financial situation and tolerance for risk.