Saturday, September 18, 2021

Dividend Income From Some Canadian Bloggers - August 2021

 In August 15, Justin Trudeau met with the governor general, Mary Simon, and asked her to dissolve parliament.  The outcome of this meeting meant a federal election will be called.  Prime Minister Trudeau announced the election will be held on Sept 20.  The length of the election campaign is 36 days, which is the minimum amount of days from calling an election and election day.

On September 20, voters can get an idea who will form government.  Normally, on the day of election, the citizens of Canada will know for certainty who is the next prime minister.  Due to the COVID19 pandemic, their was an increase in mail in ballots.  The mail-in ballots will not start to be counted until September 21, which is the day after the election.

Canada is now officially in a 4th wave of COVID19.  The number of cases has increase dramatically after the loosening of restrictions.

The outcome of the election and the 4th wave of COVID19, will definitely affect the markets.   

Let's get to the list of dividend income from some Canadian bloggers for August 2021. Of course, I first want to mention my own dividend income report.

My Dividend Snowball received $2249.27 in total passive income in August.  The amount of dividend income received was $1675.49.   

Passive Canadian Income received $1176.38 in total passive income in August 2021.  The amount of dividend income received was $322.99  and dripped 5 new shares.  

Reverse The Crush received $51.92 in dividend income.  This is a 42% YoY increase.  

Our Life Financial received $1206.94 in dividend income and 18 new shares via DRIP.  Also in the post, Our Life Financial mentions her new purchases during the month of August.      

Moneymaaster received $500.41 in dividend income and dripped 24 new shares/units to boost his future dividend income. 

Tawcan received $1776.26 in dividend income from 18 positions.  Tawcan also dripped 13 new shares. 

My Own Advisor shared his dividend income update with the world.  Although the actual amount of dividend income received in August is not mentioned, there is some great information in the post.    


We all started with $0.00 of passive income and have grown our investments over time. Each "BUY" transaction can provide ongoing dividend income which may also be increased over time.

In Canada and the United States, many brokerage accounts offer commission free trades and/or commission free ETFs. You can get started on your investing journey with very little money.


I am not a financial planner, financial advisor, accountant or tax attorney. The information on this blog represents my own thoughts and opinions and should NOT be taken as investment or business advice.

Every individual should do their due diligence to make their own financial decisions based on their
 financial situation and tolerance for risk.

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