Saturday, February 7, 2015

Week End Reading - Feb 7 2015

As the weekend is coming to an end, it is time to share some of the posts I read over the last week that some of your readers might find interesting.

Dividend Stock Fish published an update about his stocksnowball portfolio.

Dividend Mantra published his January Dividend Income.  I always like to read other people's dividend income updates and see people snowball getting bigger and bigger.  Dividend Mantra also post about increasing passive income gives you more peace of mind and choices, which you can read about here.

Liquid Independence wrote about a different way to look at bank fees.  Instead of you paying the bank fees to hold "YOUR" money, why not have the bank pay you instead.  Liquid also had an interesting post about debt.

Tawcan wrote an interesting post on how him and his wife got started in dividend investing.

Brad, aka pullingmyselfup, of Sharpe Trade wrote a few posts about REITs. The first post is talks about what a REIT is and the second post is about FFO.

Susan Brunner wrote a couple of posts about Shaw Communications which you can read about here and here.  I own the class B shares of Shaw, which is listed on the Toronto Stock exchange.

Disclosure : Long SJR.B

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     I am not a financial planner, financial advisor, accountant or tax attorney. The information on this blog represents my own thoughts and opinions and should NOT be taken as investment or business advice.  Every individual should do their due diligence to make their own financial decisions based on their financial situation and tolerance for risk


  1. The Mantra post was always fun to read. Like you, I enjoy reading about others dividend income updates. Thanks for sharing the list.

  2. Thanks for the reading list and droppin by the site. I own Shaw too. Pretty stable business with utility like cash flow.
