Thursday, January 1, 2015

Portfolio Update - Dec 2014

The month of Dec 2014 is now behind us.  During the month of December, the price of a barrel of crude oil stayed low. In fact, it went lower and is currently $53.71 as of December 31.  This drop in price has a big effect on my portfolio due to the weight on the energy sector in my portfolio.
Shares added due to drip

14 shares of JE @ $6.00 for a total of $84.00
4 shares of ERF @ $10.79 for a total of $43.16
1 share of KMP @ $10.10 for a total of $10.10
 0.047 shares of ENB @ 51.91 for a total of $2.44

         My cash position is large right now, and I am actively looking to employ some of that cash in investments in December. During the month, I completed a trade of shares in  Sherritt International. The capital gain from this investment was removed from the account to make an extra windfall payment on credit line. I also completed a trade in Boston Pizza Royalties Income Fund in my margin account, which you can read about here and then here.

       On December 31, my buy order for shares in Bank of Nova Scotia was filled. This position is directly through the transfer agent. This is the old way of buying stocks where you initially get the actual stock certificate when you start a position. There is pros and cons to investing this way. 

      As of January 1, 2015, the value of my portfolio stands at $74846.95. This is an decrease of 1.453% over last month. Although my energy stocks dropped, the other stocks I currently own have increase in value.  I also contributed some cash to my portfolio.

I have updated my investment account tab above. Please note that my DRIP information about ENB might be incorrect. I cannot get into my account, as of this time of writing this post, and have to wait for the next business day to contact the transfer agent to change my password. 

Disclosure: Long KMP, ERF, JE, ENB, BPF.UN (inside TFSA)

EDIT : I put the wrong name of position.  "I also completed a trade in Boston Pizza International in my margin account". This should of read Boston Pizza Royalties Income Fund. I fixed the error above.

I am not a financial planner, financial advisor, accountant or tax attorney. The information on this blog represents my own thoughts and opinions and should be NOT taken as investment or business advice.

Every individual should do their due diligence to make their own financial decisions based on their financial situation and tolerance for risk


  1. IP,

    Awesome update. Looking forward to seeing where 2015 takes you. We have a huge opportunity on our hands to have a great year. Let's make the most of it. :)


    1. Dividend Mantra,

      Thanks for dropping by. I am going out with a bank in 2014 with passive dividend income being my highest ever. I will post about it in a few days. It is hard to believe just 4 years ago, I had zero dollars of dividend income and the only passive income was under 10 dollars a month in interest in savings account.

      Looking forward to 2015 including your first dividend income report of the New Year.
